The Learning Library was developed using funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, with modules supported in part by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and ChangeLab Solutions under Cooperative Agreement Number NU38OT000141. The views expressed in written materials or publications and by the speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Module 1: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.

Module 2: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

The program’s mission
The history of the program
A brief overview of and the Workbench
Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.

Module 3: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

The program’s mission
The history of the program
A brief overview of and the Workbench
Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.

Module 4: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

The program’s mission
The history of the program
A brief overview of and the Workbench
Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.

Module 4: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

The program’s mission
The history of the program
A brief overview of and the Workbench
Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.

Module 4: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

The program’s mission
The history of the program
A brief overview of and the Workbench
Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.

Module 4: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

The program’s mission
The history of the program
A brief overview of and the Workbench
Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.

Module 4: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

The program’s mission
The history of the program
A brief overview of and the Workbench
Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.

Module 4: Welcome and Introduction to Policy Surveillance

The first module introduces the Policy Surveillance Program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts.

Part One: The Policy Surveillance Program: A LawAtlas Project

This section introduces the Policy Surveillance Program and includes:

  • The program’s mission
  • The history of the program
  • A brief overview of and the Workbench
  • Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Part Two: What is Policy Surveillance?

This section has four core learning objectives:

The program’s mission
The history of the program
A brief overview of and the Workbench
Basic information on the Learning Library and the other modules

Additional Resources

In the sidebar, you will find links to two PowerPoint decks, one with information on who we are and the other with an introduction to policy surveillance. See the tools and resources link to explore additional articles with information on policy surveillance. Please explore the other modules if you are interested in starting your own policy surveillance project.